St Osmund's Catholic Primary School

St Osmund's Catholic Primary School

Love for God - Love for each other - Love for learning

School Self Evaluation


   St Osmund’s Catholic Primary School Self Evaluation Form : July 2015


School context

Data from School Census January 2015


Total number of pupils on roll


Percentage of boys on roll


Percentage of girls on roll


Percentage of SEN pupils with a statement or EHC plan (Average)


Percentage of pupils with English not as first language (Higher than average)


Percentage of pupils eligible for FSM at any time during the past 6 years (Lower than average)


Key issues from previous inspection (Sept 14)

Improve the quality of teaching by ensuring that teachers:

  • give pupils opportunities to use their writing skills in all subjects
  • develop their skills of checking pupils’ progress between and during lessons.

Raise pupils’ phonic skills across the school in order to improve their skills in reading, writing and spelling.

Key Issues from Section 48 RE Inspection April 2013

Ensure pupils are enabled to prepare and lead vibrant acts of worship themselves;


Continue to raise standards in Religious Education by:

  • using assessment data to set challenging targets for pupils formulating a strategic, structured long term plan for improvement which is periodically monitored and evaluated to ensure impact on outcomes for pupils

Overall effectiveness:



The effectiveness of Leadership & Management

All teachers have a leadership responsibility. Leadership in English, Maths, Science and RE have been developed throughout 2014-15 to respond to the increased demands of NC14. There has been rigorous monitoring in these subjects and there are now Handbooks for English, Maths and Religious Education in place to guide teachers in pedagogy and subject knowledge and the use of assessment to accelerate progress.

Leaders of Foundation Subjects (Humanities / PE / Art, Design & Music, Computing) are given experience of monitoring standards in their subjects to include the quality of pupils work, progress across the year and lesson observations. This is an area for development 2015-16.


The quality of teaching, learning and assessment

We rate the quality of our teaching by evaluating attainment, progress as evidenced from pupil books and the impact of feedback on accelerating progress.

As at 31st December 2015 43% of teaching was judged to be outstanding and 57% good.


Personal development, behaviour and welfare

Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society. Pupils show respect for others’ ideas and views.


The school’s open culture actively promotes all aspects of pupils’ welfare. Pupils are safe and feel safe at all times. They understand how to keep themselves and others safe in different situations and settings. They trust leaders to take rapid and appropriate action to resolve any concerns they have.


Pupils are confident and self-assured. They take pride in their work, their school and their appearance. Their attitudes to all aspects of their learning are consistently positive. These positive attitudes have a good impact on the progress they make.


Pupils conduct themselves well throughout the day, including at lunchtimes. The school is an orderly environment. Pupils respond quickly to instructions and requests from staff, allowing lessons to flow smoothly and without interruption. Low-level disruption is rare.


Outcomes for pupils

KS2 Pupil outcomes for 2015 were very good, with percentages of pupils achieving Level 4+, 4B+ and 5+ in combined Reading, Writing and Maths being well in excess of Local Authority and National Averages. All pupils made expected progress of 2 Levels between KS1 & KS2 and 45% of pupils made better than expected progress in Reading, Writing & Maths combined.

KS1 outcomes were lower than in the past with the percentage of pupils achieving L2+ slightly below National. This is cohort specific. There will continue to be significant intervention for this class.

KS1 Phonics outcomes were good – 83% passed their screening check compared with national 77% (See Ofsted Area for improvement)

EYFS – Cohort specific. On entry baseline below expected. Interventions made a significant improvement but cohort will continue to require close monitoring.





School Development Priorities 2015-16

Developing the Prayer life of the school: To develop the role of school chaplains so that they become prayer leaders in House Liturgies and take an active role in deciding on the themes for each term

Good or better progress in maths for all : To raise the levels of attainment in maths across the school in recognition of the higher expectations of NC14

Gender Gap: To monitor the gap between girls and boys, targeting the confidence and learning behaviours of boys and boy friendly curriculum choices and strategies for teaching.

Assessment for Learning : To continue to ensure marking and feedback make an impact on progress within lessons

Leadership: To develop the leadership capacity of the Foundation Subject leaders

Safeguarding: To ensure all policies and procedures reflect the most recent requirement for outstanding Safeguarding and that staff are all trained up to date in these requirements.

EYFS: To improve the access to free flow outdoor learning in the EYFS

A thinking, creative and well integrated curriculum: To have in place a cross curricular map for each class which is inspiring, enriching and promotes curiosity.