Why do we have a School Council?
Our School council plays an integral part of the decision making process at St. Osmund's Catholic Primary School. The main aim of the School council is to give the children of St. Osmund's a voice. However, its other objectives are: to solve problems making the school a happy place where we can learn, play with friends and have fun; to lead by example showing respect to the whole school community; to work as a team and improve areas of the school for the benefit of all the pupils and to bring to the Council ideas and suggestions of all the children in the school.
Pupils in the school elect two children per class to sit on the School Council. Our School Council consists of fourteen pupils from Reception to Year 6 (Reception class join in the Spring Term). Through the meetings, children are encouraged to raise issues and help solve problems that affect their daily experience in school. They can also elect to work on projects to enhance school life.
The School Council is a thoroughly rewarding and exciting experience for the children of St. Osmund's. It requires commitment and hard work, it also allows the children to meet people from different walks of life, share experiences with new friends and learn life skills and values.
Pupil Voice
Children are reminded to use the School Council 'Suggestion Box' located in the school entrance outside the hall door. This 'Suggestion Box' is emptied weekly and the School Council do their utmost to respond to all suggestions.