Our Governors
The Governors of St Osmund’s Catholic Primary School would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents, carers, pupils and visitors to our web site. We believe that school should, first and foremost, be a happy place where children develop a love of learning and their sense of faith. We believe education and the spiritual and moral development of our children is a partnership between home and school and we look to all parents and carers to become fully involved in their child’s development.
The school's Governing Body is made up of a group of individuals, who work on a voluntary basis. They possess a wealth of skills and experience, and their role is to advise, challenge and help ensure that the school is well led and its achievements move from strength to strength. As a Catholic school, a number of the governors are Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop, whose duty it is to ensure that the Catholic ethos of the school is maintained in all aspects of school life.
We are a strong, supportive, Governing Body working in partnership with Mr Sanderson, our Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team. Together we have a responsibility and commitment to the safety and welfare of the children at the school. This includes reviewing child protection and E-safety practices regularly and having ‘Prevent’ training. We also help determine the strategic direction of the school, set priorities for development and perform an ongoing monitoring role to ensure the best outcomes for every child. We have four full Governing Body meetings per year to discuss key strategic issues and to ensure that we meet our statutory obligations.
In addition, we have 4 sub-committees that focus upon:
- Curriculum and Standards
- Finance, Premises and Health & Safety
- Staffing and Compliance
- Vision and Ethos
We also have temporary working parties set up to meet the current needs of the school.
All minutes of The Governing Body meetings are available for parents ton request from the school office.
As Governors, we attend school events and visit during the school day to see the school development plan being implemented. Governors are linked to a member of staff with responsibility for a curriculum area. Each year group has a Cohort Governor who visits them during the school year. This is a very special role which allows the governing body to understand the pastoral needs of each cohort and to gauge the views of the children through their learning journey. Together these actions help us to see for ourselves how our ambitious vision and plans for the school are working in practice.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated and hardworking staff, who are committed to providing pupils, of all abilities, with a rich, creative and stimulating learning experience, enabling them to use every opportunity to reach their full potential whilst embedding our Catholic values in all their school activities. Our thanks also extend to our parents and carers, Parishes and the local community for the support and encouragement they give the children and the school.
Please take the time to browse our school website, where you will find more information about our culturally diverse, vibrant, inclusive and caring school.
Should you wish to contact me, or a member of the governing body, please email our school office at admin@sops.canacp.org and mark your email FAO the Chair of Governors.
Best wishes,
Kim Downer
Chair of Governors
St Osmund's pen portraits.docx
St Osmund's GB Attendance 2021-2022.docx
St Osmund's FGB 2022-2023.docx